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Review: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

by Nick Haywood on 24 June 2005, 00:00

Tags: Grand theft auto san andreas, Rockstar Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), Xbox 360, PS3, Action/Adventure

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Dangerous Minds

So, is it worth holding up a liquor store for the cash to get GTA: San Andreas? That all depends on how much you enjoyed the last game, to be honest. Given the tweaks that San Andreas has had over Vice City, this is certainly a more polished game and far more story driven than Vice City was. There’s a much larger playing area here than in Vice City, though it has to be said that some of Vice City’s missions were more fun than those in San Andreas.

When I first started playing GTA:SA, it very much felt like more of the same with added bits but nothing really new. That seems to be the case but other than lacking some more ‘fun’ missions, San Andreas is most definitely the more polished product and the one I’d go for between the two. It’s a darker, more serious game, reflecting the era in which it’s set as well as maintaining appeal to it’s audience who are all getting older too. The sheer variety of stuff to do isn’t overwhelming while still providing plenty of scope for you to go off and do your own thing anytime you fancy and I’d estimate there’s a good 40-50 hours of playing time in here before you get a 100% complete score. All in all, a worthy addition to the GTA series and arguably the best one yet.

Huge playing area
Comprehensive tips early on
Improved GFX
Quality voice acting
As open ended gameplay as can be within a story driven game

Radio not as good as Vice City
Controls dodgy in places
Camera issues when in vehicles
Clipping issues in some areas