The Final Verdict...
The musical score is also right on the money and adds to the tension in the game through the use heart pounding Indiana Jones style orchestral pieces during action scenes. The sounds of bird's chirping, rock's falling and branches breaking all effectively add to the atmosphere,
Tomb Raider: Anniversary will attract new fans that missed out on the first adventure; and for them they'll have a great time swinging across canyons and pulling levers. For those who've already played the original it's still well worth a look, especially if you haven't played any of the Tomb Raider games for a while; but personally, I'm looking forward to the next 'new' adventure of Lara Croft and hope that the developers can enhance, innovate and improve on this famous franchise. For the time being, Tomb Raider: Anniversary will do...
It's Lara Croft
Great animations
Superb graphical enhancements
Rousing musical score and audio
It's Lara Croft Some poor AI
It's time to move the series on.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary celebrates everything that's great about the franchise, blending the latest game engine with the old style gameplay that we love. Great for reminisicing and for anyone who didn't play the first title; I'll even forgive the fact that pulling levers is becoming a bore.