WiiMote sabre swinging.... kinda

As the name suggests, you get all the film plotlines to play through so fans of the original films, which confusingly started at number 4 and went through to number 6 will be well served with all their favourite haunts being revisited in true Traveller’s Tales homage style.

You’ll also be able to play through the first three films in the prequel trilogy, and you can bet that even the serious matter of Annakin losing his legs and becoming Darth Vader will be treated with the usual Traveller’s Tales humour.

But in addition to all this film based fun there’s loads of new stuff such as the high speed chase sequence of Zam Wessell the bounty hunter as well as the chance to dabble with new Force powers and new power-up. You can even create your own characters using the originals as a base... anyone fancy a Han Vader or Luke Threepio?

The fun doesn’t stop there though. Any character can now create and use vehicles, even if they don’t have Force powers and there’s even a load of new bonus missions and Bounty Hunter sections. For the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions you’ll be able to enjoy two player co-op as well as the higher quality graphics and effects both these consoles allow on the screen.

And for those of you on the Wii version, the WiiMote is your key to power as it’s now used as the controller for the light sabre! Ok, so it’s just a swish from side to side and not in any way 100% replicating your moves, but it’s a start and here’s hoping we see a decent WiiMote sabre swinging Star Wars game sometime in the future...

Oh, and for all you DS users, Traveller’s Tales have been simultaneously working on a ground-up build of LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga just for DS gamers... so now you can take Leia and her gold bikini on the tube with you.