Japan release date confirmed
Microsoft has confirmed that the Xbox 360 Elite will debut in Japan on October 11th for 47,800 yen ($390). The Elite is already on sale in North America for $479.99, but we’re still waiting for a European release date to be confirmed, though sources suggest that the 24th August may well be date in question..
Distinguished by its black finish and signature metallic detailing, Xbox 360 Elite will comes packed with components and accessories for the ultimate high-definition entertainment experience. The console is equipped with a premium black finish and three powerful core processors capable of producing the best in HD entertainment (up to 1080p), 16:9 cinematic aspect ratio, anti- aliasing for smooth textures, full surround sound, HDMI output and DVD playback with upscaling capabilities right out of the box.
* Xbox 360 120GB hard drive. The 120GB detachable hard drive allows gamers to save their games and store television shows, movies, music, pictures, trailers, levels, demos and other content available from Xbox LIVE Marketplace

* Xbox 360 Wireless Controller (black). This award-winning, high- performance wireless controller, now in black, features the Xbox Guide Button for quick, in-game access to friends and music. It has a range of up to 30 feet and a battery life of 30 hours on two AA batteries.
* Xbox 360 headset (black). Now available in black, the headset lets gamers strategize or trade taunts while playing games and send voice messages to friends on Xbox LIVE.
* Xbox 360 HDMI cable. New to Xbox 360, HDMI allows consumers to get HD video (up to 1080p) and multichannel surround sound, all from one cable.
* Xbox LIVE Silver Membership. With this, gamers can chat with friends online, collect achievements and gamerscores, send and receive voice and text messages, and access Xbox LIVE Marketplace content such as game demos, HD movies and TV, as well as the best in downloadable games from Xbox LIVE Arcade.
* One-month subscription to Xbox LIVE Gold. An Xbox LIVE Gold Membership provides a complete online entertainment experience. Those who subscribe to this premium service can engage in competitive online multiplayer matches, tailor their matchmaking via feedback and accomplishments, chat with more than one person at a time, and take advantage of unique privileges in the Xbox LIVE Marketplace and Xbox LIVE Arcade.
The HDD will be packed full of free content. Game trailers, shown in HD, will include Forza 2 customization and damage videos, Halo Wars, Fable 2, the Halo 3 TV Ad, a Halo 3 Trailer, the Halo 3 et tu brute video, a TV spot advertising Xbox 360 accessories, and a Wireless World Video.
Next up, they'll be one playable game, the colourful puzzler, Hexic HD. There will also be numerous playable Xbox live arcade demos, which will be region specific, but will include: Assault Heroes, Cloning Clyde, Geometry Wars, Marble Blast Ultra, Small Arms, Feeding Frenzy, Uno, Pac-Man, Street Fighter II, Lumines Live!, Zuma, Heavy Weapon, Lego Star Wars II, Lost Planet (multiplayer Live), Madden '07, Fusion Frenzy 2 and Call of Duty 3, along with dashboard themes and gamer pics.

On top of that the drive will be loaded with the same content that was released on the 20Gb Premium version of the console. This includes a range of videos, which are Step into Liquid, Justice League, The Goal 2/3, two Adidas Clips, UFC All Access, Viva Pinata clip and Warren Miller - Extreme Sports.
As if that wasn't enough tat to cram down our necks, you'll also be able to play game demos, including Lara Croft Tomb Raider LEGEND, Kameo: Elements of Power and Burnout Revenge.
Source :: Tech.co.uk