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Short, but sweet, Halo 3 beta

by Steven Williamson on 23 April 2007, 11:44

Tags: Halo 3, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, FPS

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Running from May 16th - June 6th

The first stage of the Halo 3 beta is due to begin on May 16th, but it seems that some fans aren't happy that they'll have just three weeks to test out

Bungie has responded to the murmurs of discontent on the official site forums, by clarifying the reasons why the beta is only set for a short period.

"I've been asked a few times why the impending Beta is only three short weeks long," the update reads. "Well, obviously the number one reason is that the longer we're spending resources taking care of the Beta, the less time we're applying what we've learned from it to the final game."

The blog continues: "The reasons you're getting three maps is similar, but has as much to do with our normal production schedule as anything else. It's easier to think of why you're not getting the rest of the maps. They're not done yet."

Bungie has also stated that the three maps available, Valhalla, High Ground and Snowbound, may still be changed before the full game is released in the Autumn.

If you haven't been lucky enough to win one of the beta codes from the Xbox community fan sites then you can still join in the fun by buying a copy of Crackdown, which contains the code you'll need.

A word of warning! If you don't download the beta client on May16th, you won't be playing Halo 3 at all.

Source :: Bungie

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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I really can't see what all the fuss is about, its bound to be buggy and you are just being a guinea pig. I would hate playing a game thats unfinished (and based on lots of internet rants i see, others do too) so why this? Is the ultimate in fanboyism?

I can't see how its good for Bungie and kind of for the community but really its an unfinished product test.

I'll get the final game but this is a bit silly imo. A little over the top but on the other hand I can see it benefits both sides.
I really can't see what all the fuss is about, its bound to be buggy and you are just being a guinea pig. I would hate playing a game thats unfinished (and based on lots of internet rants i see, others do too) so why this? Is the ultimate in fanboyism?

I can't see how its good for Bungie and kind of for the community but really its an unfinished product test.

I'll get the final game but this is a bit silly imo. A little over the top but on the other hand I can see it benefits both sides.

I kinda agree. The PC world has been used to beta for a long time and know what to expect.

I get the feeling that if this beta doesn't go to plan, 360 gamers will be up in arms.
found a video for it on fp not sure if its been posted before

does look good
It's your chance to help make the game you want to be good, even better.

When a game does come out, you can say that you contributed, even if it was in a tiny way, to making it that bit better.

Alternatively you can fume that all the bugs you reported never got fixed ;)