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Gears of War will be coming to PC, but you'll have to wait

by Steven Williamson on 15 February 2007, 10:01

Tags: Gears of War, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, FPS

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The good news is that Epic's lead designer, Mark Rein has confirmed in an interview with TeamXbox that the award winning third person shooter Gears of War will be developed for PC. The bad news is that Epic don't appear to have started the process so it will be some time before PC gamers get to see what all the chainsaw wielding fuss is about. In fact Rein says that it could be a case of waiting up to 5 years before enough people have PCs that would be able to run the game.

Rein also confirmed that there is new content planned for the Xbox 360 version "We want to have as regular a stream of new stuff coming for the title. There’ll be some new stuff soon. It’s not months away…it’s maybe a month? When it’s done", he said.

Epic have adopted the right attitude when it comes to providing new content to consumers. The last set of downloadable maps were available for free as part of a sponsorhsip deal from the Discovery channel and Rein has suggested that they'll be doing everything in the power to make the next content free or cheap. If only every company could learn from this, eh EA?

"We’re not totally against the idea of charging for content that’s worth the money, but if we can find a way to make it free to our customers, that’d be great—and help advertisers promote products. "

Now that Gears of War is out of the way, Epic are currently working on the next instalment of Unreal Tournament which we're hoping will be another award winning title.

Source: Read more at TeamXbox

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just like halo 2.
I'm enjoying this game on xbox 360.
Epic have confirmed that Gears of War will be coming to PC, but you'll have to wait until enough gamers have PCs that can run it.

Don't make me laugh. I don't know why I'm supposed to be impressed with a game that runs in 1280x720. I've been playing games at 1280x1024 for three years now and I am not some rich, hardcore gamer. PCs can deal with it fine even those that don't run 8800s. They're not releasing it for anything else because it's the 360's top title and is making those who already have systems faster than a 360 buy one just to play it. Don't believe the hype, people.
Surprised it wasn't on the PC first considering the Swarm thingies were used in a nVidia SLi GPU tech demo some two years ago…weirdly enough everyone seems to have forgetton making me seem like a stark raving loony :/

Heres hoping they don't surgically remove the co-op from the PC version…
Don't make me laugh. I don't know why I'm supposed to be impressed with a game that runs in 1280x720. I've been playing games at 1280x1024 for three years now and I am not some rich, hardcore gamer. PCs can deal with it fine even those that don't run 8800s. They're not releasing it for anything else because it's the 360's top title and is making those who already have systems faster than a 360 buy one just to play it. Don't believe the hype, people.
And there was me thinking the 360 can play games at 1920x1080. I must be senile.