Gears of War receives mixed reviews
by Steven Williamson
on 6 October 2006, 10:43
Gears of War,
Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT),
Xbox 360
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Since the first frightening images appeared a little over a year ago, gamers worldwide have felt the ominous rumblings of something approaching that defies all convention. Trailers and screenshots have left gamer breathless with many saying that Gears of War is their most wanted game of 2006.
We hate to p*ss on your bonfire, but some of the latest reviews of Gears of War, submitted after some hands-on gameplay from Microsoft and New Line Cinema's “match made in hell” event, haven't been particularly complimentary.
Gears of War has cost $10 million to develop over the course of the last two years, but there's a number of complaints emerging from this recent event, citing control issues as being the main annoyance.
Cold 2 play have reported that "the biggest problem is there’s more to think about to move your guy around than say in Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter, whereas goes into more detail by stating that “You hold A to run, but you also press it to duck. If you run near a car you stop running and duck behind it. It doesn’t seem like a glitch to me. It seems like the game doesn’t know if you want to run or duck behind the car.”
Many of the gamers who attended the event were blown away with the graphics and smoothness of gameplay, but these two accounts of control problems aren't the only ones to emerge from the hands-on preview.
Gears of War isn't released in the UK until 17th November so there's still time to fix any issues with the game!
Sources : Cold2Play and