Xbox 360 vs PS3
According to, Microsoft may offer an Xbox 360/HD DVD package at a cheaper price than the PS3. If this is true then the HD DVD peripheral would cost less than £130. The HD DVD drive for the Xbox 360 is due to be released later this year, although no specific date has been mentioned.
This is bad news for Sony who are hoping that the inclusion of a built-in Blu-ray drive in the PS3, plus backing from a number of high profile movie studios, will tempt consumers to opt for their next gen console.
For anyone looking to invest in either a HD DVD or Blu-ray player, the most important aspect won't necessarily be the price - the performance and the available content will be massive factors.
Both formats are similar in many ways, but Blu-ray can hold 25GB per layer, 50GB on a dual-layer disc, whereas HD DVD can only hold 15GB per layer, 30GB on a dual-layer disc. This extra capacity on the Blu-ray format is said to mean that studios will be able to offer a higher-quality audio and visual experience to consumers than HD DVD.
HD DVD currently only has support from three of the major movie studios - Universal, Warner and Paramount - whereas seven major studios have committed to providing titles in Blu-ray format. If you're looking for your favourite movies, it may mean that Blu-ray is your only option.
On top of this, Blu-ray has hardware support from many of the biggest names in the business, including Apple, Dell, Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Philips, Pioneer and Sony. On paper, there's likely to be a much wider choice of hardware for those opting for Blu-ray.
However HD DVD's head start is likely to result in it gaining additional supporters before Blu-ray is unleashed, and having an Xbox 360 and a HD DVD add-on bundled together at a price cheaper than the PS3 will be very tempting.
Source: Games