Silicon's not just for breast implants

The current Xbox 360 controller is impeccably designed and moulds around the contours of your hands perfectly.Jetion International Ltd were kind enough to show us an under the counter product that will further enhance the comfortability factor. This silicon non-slip game-pad, cover enables gamers to experience pure comfort, but be aware, this accessory could make you want to play your 360 even longer than you do at the moment.
We saw the prototype, which wasn’t quite ready for production , so we were unable to try it out on an actual 360 pad. The texture of silicon is perfect for a game-pad cover, ever tried squeezing a pair of breast implants? I have, and it feels great! This new accessory for the 360 will ensure that you’ll be gaming in ultimate contentment.

Jetion International Ltd currently have no release date for the product.