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Microsoft bringing fully functional Internet Explorer to Xbox 360

by Alistair Lowe on 11 May 2012, 09:38

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qabgjz

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One of the biggest plus-points of Sony's PlayStation 3 is its fully equipped web-browser, which has allowed for web searches and streaming on the TV, from the comfort of the sofa, for six years now. Perhaps a little late to the party but never-the-less very welcome, it's rumoured that Microsoft is currently testing a modified version of Internet Explorer 9 for its Xbox console, according to sources at TheVerge.

Though deviating from the typical image of a 'locked-down' console that Microsoft has built, now does seem like the right time to include a browser, thanks to the introduction of the Kinect as a tool to enhance the experience. It's suggested by sources that the new browser will feature full Kinect gesture and voice control, with specific tuning to make websites more Kinect friendly.

With June 5th and E3 fast on the way, we're expecting some serious announcements this year and, if as rumours suggest, both Microsoft and Sony will be holding off on the production and announcement of a new console until 2013, then juicy new features such as a Kinect web-browser are exactly what we'll need to fill the hole of expectation that has grown in size over the past few months.

HEXUS Forums :: 16 Comments

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Perhaps a little late to the party but never-the-less very welcome
What's the betting it needs a live gold membership…
What's the betting it needs a live gold membership…
+ 1 on this thought.

I hate that my Xbox can stream many TV services , including netflix but I have to subscribe to Xbox live to use a service I already pay for… No thanks Microsoft - I wont be bullied.
how long before firefox/chrome/safari/opera/andtherest say that its anti competetive and demand that theres a browser choice screen applied so users can choose what browser to use :sarcastic-smilie:
how long before firefox/chrome/safari/opera/andtherest say that its anti competetive and demand that theres a browser choice screen applied so users can choose what browser to use :sarcastic-smilie:
I'll look forward to that - IE is pretty “meh” these days, and I don't think I'll be busting a gut to give it a spin. Tried that Bing search a couple of times on my XB and it proved pretty useless.

Chrome on XBox might be good, Firefox less so. Opera's okay, but you can keep Safari.