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Xbox 360 new disc format rumoured to add 1GB

by Steven Williamson on 31 March 2011, 09:58

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Over the past couple of days, via the Xbox 360 System Update Preview Program, Microsoft has signed up hundreds of beta testers with the lure of a free copy of Halo Reach to try out a new disc format for Xbox 360. Currently, a dual later DVD hosts 7.95GB of data, but only 6.8GB of that space is used for game data, with 1GB taken up by a video partition and anti-piracy measures. Digital Foundry reports that this new format will see the 1GB partition ditched so it can be used to host more game data. This could also give way to new anti-piracy measures, or it could be that Microsoft will ditch security totally; though this seems quite unlikely.

With the Xbox 360 so widely hacked, and the life cycle of the console still estimated to be another four years, we’d hazard a guess that - if the rumour is true - this change will be more about anti-piracy then it is about giving developers an extra 1GB of space to play with. It's believed that the new disc format technology will land sometime in the Autumn to coincide with the next major Xbox Live update. Microsoft is currently keeping tight-lipped on the matter.

Source: Eurogamer

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i'm confused

“Currently, a dual later DVD hosts 7.95GB of data, but 6.8GB of that space is taken up by a video partition and anti-piracy measures. Digital Foundry reports that this new format will see the 1GB partition ditched”

so at the moment only 1GB can be used for the game it self?
That video partition is just a pain, I mean if something doesn't work in a DVD player do you really need a huge Xbox 360 logo to tell you that? The way it sometimes pops up on the 360 is annoying and pointless. And 1GB for anti-piracy? Seriously? Why not just use a wobble-track or something else physical instead?
I just wish devs wouldn't be so scared to release games on two discs, I'd much rather have the game spill onto more media than miss out on some stuff they wanted to include but ran out of space. Most people I know install games now anyway so the extra disc would only be a minor one-off inconvenience.
Maybe they should just admit that HD-DVD failed?
Maybe they should just admit that HD-DVD failed?

They did, so sold all the HD-DVD Drive attachments off for about £14 several years ago. HD-DVD's stored 15GB single layer and 30GB dual layer so space wouldn't have been much of an issue.
Its 1GB extra for devs.

Only a good thing, no?