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Xbox 360 price structure altered

by Steven Williamson on 12 April 2010, 11:30

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Microsoft has wisely altered its system for selling MS Points in North America by allowing users to purchase the currency on the Xbox Live Marketplace in increments of 400.

The change to the points structure means that users will now be able to purchase content without having to buy more points then needed. The currency was previously sold in increments of 500.

"We made this changes based on feedback from the Xbox LIVE community, and are confident they’ll be happy with these new offerings," the company said in a statement.

It seems likely that the change will also be made in Europe, though official confirmation has yet to be made.

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I was hoping this meant that the consoles were dropping to a lower price, or the base model came with a hdd, or something, anything, useful.
Does this mean everything is priced in multiples of 400? and the price will adjust pro rata, or just so they can charge the same for less?
This is only in the US at the moment, nothing has been said regarding the EU so it's a case of wait and see.
I'd also thought this was about the pricing of the console itself.

That said, buying points direct from Live has never been the cheapest option. Wait for the offers to come on 2100 points cards, buy a few of those, and keep them for when you need them.

With a new Deal of the Week for gold members there will be good XBLA games coming out that you can spend the spare points on.