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Xbox 360+ to be Microsoft's next console?

by Parm Mann on 27 July 2009, 16:16

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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Pinch of salt at the ready? Good, because we're stepping firmly into rumour territory.

In the weeks that have followed Los Angeles' E3 Expo, speculation has been rife in regards to the possibility of a new Xbox 360 console - specifically, one that has "Natal" technology built in.

"Project Natal", a motion-sensing technology that can sense full body movement is - as far as we're aware - scheduled to ship as an accessory for all existing Xbox 360 systems, possibly arriving at retail in 2010. However, recent rumours have suggested that Natal could also be integrated into a forthcoming Xbox 360 console revision, and fuelling the fire today is a statement found on the website of Microsoft programmer Ryan Geiss.

Proving that no stone on the web will be left unturned, the statement - dated back to the start of E3 on June 1st 2009 - has been unearthed by eagle-eyed gamers and reads:

The term of interest, of course, is "Xbox 360+", and it's quickly being branded as the name of an upcoming Natal-equipped console. It's a strange one, and unlikely to be a typo considering that the author hasn't amended the sentence in recent weeks.

Xbox 360+, what do we think folks? Logical addition to the Xbox 360 Arcade, Xbox 360 and Xbox 360 Elite? Conjecturing somewhat, we reckon it makes implicit sense for Microsoft to bundle Natal into at least one console revision, and with a PS3 Slim and a Wii HD said to be on the horizon, Microsoft may want a console re-launch of its own.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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It could also seen as meaning its compatible with the 360 (plus) as in 360 and future consoles which would probably be the meaning from that.
It could also mean it's going to work with things like PC's as we all know that's Bill's vision as well (as well as getting rid of malaria)

I wouldn't read too much into it at all.
There was something else like this dotted about the web a few weeks back. Like the HEXUS article it said a new version of the 360 (with built in camera) or as an add on for existing users. For the same kind of rumour to appear elsewhere there may actually be more to it than speculation.
There was something else like this dotted about the web a few weeks back. Like the HEXUS article it said a new version of the 360 (with built in camera) or as an add on for existing users. For the same kind of rumour to appear elsewhere there may actually be more to it than speculation.

Like the Blu-Ray add-on :rolleyes:
Like the Blu-Ray add-on :rolleyes:

There never is, has been or will be a blu ray addon

HD-DVD failed yes, but MS have persued a different route with digital downloads