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Gears of Wars 2 feature hints at future for violent videogames

by Steven Williamson on 5 August 2008, 13:00

Tags: Gears of War 2 , Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360

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The next instalment in the Gears of Wars series will sport an anti-violent feature that may capture the attention of other console developers seeking to sell their adult-themed games to a younger audience.

Gears of War 2 will include a swear filter and the ability to turn blood effect off. The latter will "turn the blood into sparks," while the swear filter "takes out all the swear words," says Microsoft.

Despite tighter restrictions imposed on retailers who sell videogames to underage children, it goes without saying that kids will always get hold of mature games one way or another, but this move by Microsoft has firmly put control into the hands of parents worried about their kids playing violent videogames.

If other developers follow suit and parents accept responsibility and make sure filters are turned on when their children are playing, then perhaps we may eventually see an end to the ridiculous 'Videogames make kids violent debate', without having to ban or dumb-down excessively violent games altogether.

Of course, the filters won't stop the violent actions in Gears of War 2, you'll still be able to enjoy the menacing whirring sound of chainsaws starting up as you slice an enemy in half, but the lack of blood and swearing should certainly take the edge of it and make it seem more like fantasy violence than real.

An excellent move by Microsoft we think and one that should keep those violent videogame campaigners quiet for a while.

ESRB, the American self-regulatory organization that applies and enforces ratings, has already given Gears of War 2 a mature rating, meaning that it contains, blood and gore, intense violence and strong language. In the UK, Gears of War obtained an 18+ rating, but the latest instalment has yet to be rated.

Gears of War 2 is due for release on November 7th, 2008.

Source :: WhatTheyPlay.com

HEXUS Forums :: 20 Comments

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Hardly a new idea though is it? You could do this in Duke Nukem 3D as I remember it, my dad didn't bother though and I turned out alright.. right? *twitches*
Hardly a new idea though is it? You could do this in Duke Nukem 3D as I remember it, my dad didn't bother though and I turned out alright.. right? *twitches*
Yeah, I remember this feature on the original Unreal too (and later versions of UT), you could change the ‘gore level’. Not sure on the effects it had, since I never used it, but guessing it turns off the blood, and stops you from being able to blow people apart.

While putting in this feature may help please a few people, almost no-one will turn it on, more of a PR stunt I think.
As the above posters have said this is far from a new feature as duke 3d, Unreal tournament and (i think) shadow warrior had violence/content control.

If the system is like the one used in the good old days then it won't be used though unfortunately
Lets tell children that if we shoot each other then sparks fly out. That's the real lesson they want to learn…
It's new for consoles right?

In fact, I'm surprised that it hasn't appeared in console games before.