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Dick Gaywood banned from Xbox live

by Steven Williamson on 22 May 2008, 11:44

Tags: Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qand7

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If you have the word 'gay' in your Xbox 360 gamertag, you may be next in line for a trip to Bansville if Microsoft get its way.

Reports claim that the big 'M' has banned the gamertag 'theGAYERgamer' due to the homosexual reference. But check this out, even worse than that is that it also banned the gamertag Richard Gaywood, who is actually and rather unfortunately a real name.(We kid you not).

We're assured that Dick Gaywood is also a straight, women-loving guy who just happens to have a 'gay' sounding name. Poor chap.

Anyhow, why are Microsoft banning such names? We can understand the banning of names that contain swear words, but this seems an utterly ridiculous and archaic move by Microsoft.

Of course, our first thought was to tell HEXUS.gaming editor, Nick Gaywood to check that he hadn't been banned. Luckily it seems the MS police haven't caught him just yet.(I'll pack my bags now).

Microsoft has responded to the Internet criticism by stating that it merely responded to complaints made about the gamertag:

"We want the Xbox LIVE community to have the freedom to express themselves, but we also have a responsibility to create an inclusive, safe environment," said Microsoft's Stephen Toulouse. "While it may be clear to some that Gaywood is a legitimate surname, it may not be obvious to other Xbox LIVE members. In this case, a complaint was filed by a member of the community, requiring the Xbox LIVE team to examine the gamertag within the context of the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use. Based on the these guidelines, it was necessary for the gamertag to change."

Fair enough, but a bit of common sense should prevail in these situations.

Do you have a gay sounding gamertag? Let us know in the forums.

Source :: Kotaku

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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i cant believe someone actually took the time to complain to microsoft about it

i'm off to think of some other surnames that might get banned……..
Any relation of the late Marvin Gaye

Gaye Search (gardening person)

Related to Dick Van Dyke perhaps?
Hah, he'd be banned twice, poor bloke :(
Typical. The real problem is that xbox live is full of peeps making racist, homophobic comments all the time, and Microsoft respond by baning some bloke call Mr Gaypants.

Another great move from the Americans.