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Microsoft's apology hits XBLA

by Steven Williamson on 23 January 2008, 08:58

Tags: Xbox 360, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT), Xbox 360, FPS

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Aquatic shooter hits the arcade

Just a quick heads-up this morning to let you know that Microsoft’s apology for the Xbox live connection issues over the holiday period will be available to download from 10am today, Wednesday, 23rd January.

That apology comes in the form of Undertow, an aquatic based shooter for Xbox live arcade, which features a story driven-single player campaign, on and offline co-op, and multiplayer for 2-16 players.

I’ll be tucked up in bed, but if you fancy meeting up with the developers of Undertow, Chair Entertainment Group, they will be online to host matches and offer tips for the game on Friday, 25th January at 03:00 a.m., although unless you know their gamertags it's going to be a bit of lottery to track them down.

Undertow is available for free to Xbox live Gold subscribers only

HEXUS Forums :: 10 Comments

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Cool, I'll grab this later. IGN thought highly of it, gave it an 8.7.

'Undertow is available for free to Xbox live Gold subscribers only'

Nope, Gold or Silver. :)
I downloaded the demo the other night and must admit not overly impressed with it, think it would have been better as just an old school sideways shooter for the single player. Must admit it looks and sounds good though.
Thanks for the reminder Steven, I've downloaded it but not tried it yet.
There are some beautiful Dick Van Dyke accents.
Wasn't too impressed with the demo, but free is free. It seems like my 360 came back just in time (came back this morning).