Sony issue apology for PS3 shooter - 10 'Hail Mary's' issued
by Steven Williamson
on 6 July 2007, 13:58
Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE),
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Sony has today finally patched up their differences with the Anglican Church after the interior of Manchester Cathedral appeared, without permission, as a backdrop in the violent PS3 shooter, Resistance Fall of Man.
"For a global manufacturer to re-create one of our great cathedrals with photo-realistic quality and then encourage people to have gun battles in the building is beyond belief and highly irresponsible. "We know the reality of gun crime and the devastating effects it can have on the lives -- it is not a trivial matter," said David Marshall, the Cathedral's spokesperson.
Since the issue emerged Sony have met up with representative from the church, apologised and today have released an advert in the Manchester Evening News admitting that they were wrong to include the sacred building and apologising unreverdly for causing any offence.
Dr David A Reeves, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe, said: "It is clear to us that the connection between the congregation and the cathedral is a deeply personal and spiritual one.
"As a result, it is also clear that we have offended some of the congregation by using the cathedral in our science fiction game. It was never our intention to offend anyone in the making of this game, and we would like to apologise unreservedly to them for causing that offence, and to all parts of the community who we might also have offended."
In a statement, the Dean of Manchester Cathedral, the Very Rev Rogers Govender, said: "We still fear that the next buildings to be cloned for virtual desecration could be a mosque, synagogue, temple or other church."
Source :: manchester Evening News