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PS3 launch was a success, say Sony

by Steven Williamson on 18 April 2007, 13:57

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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800,000 units sold in Europe

Sony CEO Howard Stringer has declared the launch of the PS3 a success, after claiming that 800,000 units have been sold in Europe.

Speaking to the Financial Times, Stringer said "I think [in] the first two days in the UK, GBP 100m (USD 199m) revenue changed hands and that's probably the largest consumer electronics sale in history."

Stringer claims that part of the success is due to Sony 'living up to expectational in the region by giving gamers a wider choice of games on launch day.

No-one has released any official figures yet, so for the time being we'll just have to assume that 800,000 units have been shifted.

Source : Financial Times

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That headline made my day, thanks! :laugh:

Edit: Well, that, and I found a really cool construction worker's helmet on my way home from work today! It's white and stuff.