Capom's shooter comes to PC
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition, the sci-fi action shooter from Capcom, is being developed for PC and will be available in the shops in June . The game is currently available on the Xbox 360 and has already shipped more than one million units worldwide.
“With the resurgence of the PC gaming market, it was a natural decision for us to deliver the Lost Planet experience to gamers on this platform,” said Jack Symon, director, brand marketing, Capcom Entertainment. “By employing the latest and greatest technology available, the development team is able to tailor the game for this highly important audience.”
The PC version will feature enhanced graphics and effects to optimize the realistic presentation and explosive action in the game, including better shadows and more detailed textures, as well as higher monitor resolutions. In addition, the game will include a new lobby interface that has been adapted for the system. Players will have the option to play either using a mouse and keyboard or a gamepad controller. Capcom will also partner with NVIDIA on their “The Way It’s Meant To Be Played” program to showcase the incredible gaming experience that consumers can expect with a PC equipped with the latest NVIDIA GeForce graphics processors.

You can read our Xbox 360 Lost Planet: Extreme Condition review: here