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PS3 hits second week sales slump

by Steven Williamson on 4 April 2007, 09:24

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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Drop in sales for Sony

There's no hiding your sales figures when Chart-Track are on the case. Last week, just two days after the launch of the Playstation 3, they confirmed that Sony had broken the record for console sales in the UK, notching up 165,000 unit sales, but yesterday they revealed that the second week's figures had taken a turn for the worst.

Following the news yesterday that the exclusive PS3 titles, Resistance Fall of Man and Motorstorm suffered a 60% drop in sales and were knocked off the top of UK video games charts by Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars, the website has now confirmed that sales of the PS3, in the second week since launch day, are down by 85%.

The data collected at Chart-Track is based on information collected from 7,000 retailers across the UK.

A research report in Japan has also confirmed that Wii is outselling the PS3 by 2:1. Bloomberg said that "As the PlayStation 3 loses market share in Japan, it becomes more difficult for Sony to recoup investment in the machine."

Bloomberg says that "As the PlayStation 3 loses market share in Japan, it becomes more difficult for Sony to recoup investment in the machine." Source :: Chart Track

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Not suprised.
tiberian sun is C&C2, matey

you mean tiberium wars
tiberian sun is C&C2, matey

you mean tiberium wars

Merci beaucoup :embarrassed:
Steven W;1049864
Merci beaucoup :embarrassed:

de rien.