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PlayStation Move brawler confirmed as The Fight: Lights Out

by Steven Williamson on 19 April 2010, 13:42

Tags: Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3, Action/Adventure

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The first fighting game to take advantage of Sony's wand-like motion controller, PlayStation Move, has been confirmed as The Fight: Lights Out.

The news arrives via the PlayStation Blog and John McLaughlin, the game's producer, who reveals the first details about the brawler.

McLaughlin reveals that we'll be able to pull off a range of dirty moves with extreme precision.

"We’ve conducted a ton of motion capture to ensure that every punch, every hit reaction, every dirty move and every hard-hitting knockout makes the player feel right in the thick of the action," he claims.

He also reveals some of the dirty moves that we'll be able to carry out in the ring.

"Launch a two-handed ear drum burst to stun your opponent and follow up with a sly elbow to the face. Grab hold of his ears, head-butt him and then finish him off with a backhander, " he says.

The Fight: Lights Out was originally unveiled as Motion Fighter at GDC early this year, and reports from the conference were extremely positive as a number press got to demo the brawler for the first time.

There's no release date as yet, but we'd expect to hear and see more of The Fight: Lights Out at E3 in June.

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I would have liked the Wand if it looked better - perhaps like the one the tech girl used to use in Tek War.