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What do you want from Sony?

by Steven Williamson on 18 March 2010, 16:09

Tags: Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qawol

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Sony Computer Entertainment America has launched a new initiative that gives gamers a chance to let them know exactly what they want from their PlayStation experience.

PlayStation.Blog Share has been set up to allow you to submit a maximum of one idea a day, which we're then assured is taking into account by the powers that be. Who knows, if you're idea is good enough Sony may even steal it as their own and make it happen.

"It’s also a place where you can discover and vote on other people’s ideas, as well as communicate with us and other PlayStation fans about how to bring great ideas to life," explains the website.

Head over to the official site to submit and review other people's comments.

HEXUS Forums :: 3 Comments

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Finally! What a great idea. Why have Sony been one of the few to do this? I mean anyone has been able to email a company if they wanted to with suggestions or something but there's never been this welcoming platau for suggestions and what their target audience actually want….

*goes in and requests x264/h264 mkv support every day*

There's also things that are pretty gimped like having nothing even remotely NEAR to the Party service that Xbox Live offers.

*votes some more*

And a decent browser

*even more votes*

They should release some sort of SDK too so people can build apps for this (like how homebrew PSP has em')… although I know that's pretty far fetched.

I could go on for ages…
And a decent browser.
If I wasn't so lazy I'd be voting for that one. Surely they could've just mashed up a Mozilla based browser that actually worked and could render web pages :angst:
If I wasn't so lazy I'd be voting for that one. Surely they could've just mashed up a Mozilla based browser that actually worked and could render web pages :angst:

There were rumours of talks between Mozilla and Sony. As an Opera fan boy I wouldn't say no to that either. They have experience in the Game Console space with far worse hardware (DS/Wii).