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Actor on FOX news used in PS3 sabotage?

by Steven Williamson on 21 November 2007, 11:09

Tags: PlayStation 3, Sony Computers Entertainment Europe (NYSE:SNE), PS3

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Owner of the dirtiest PS3

Reid Godshaw, the kid who 'apparently' complained to The Consumerist after Sony refused to repair or replace his faulty PS3 console after it was claimed to be ‘too dusty’ has now made an appearance on Rupert Murdoch's FOX news.

The weird thing is, Godshaw is a professional actor who, according to speculation, has been paid to appear on Fox before. Of course, this could be a total coincidence and Godshaw could indeed be the owner of the dirtiest PS3 known to man (see pic below) or is it possible he could have been hired by the opposition to sabotage sales of the Playstation 3?

Considering Godshaw has recently appeared in the film Ten Inch hero and indeed a show aired by the network, you'd think that FOX would have mentioned he was an actor, but in the news story they say that he's just a 'PS3 gamer. It seems strange that such a big TV Network would pick up and run with a story as mundane as a kid who can't get his PS3 fixed because it's dusty...doesn't it?

Personally, I think there's something amiss, but feel free to do your own investigations. Dig into Fox's past and you'll find all sorts of things that don't quite add up.

Seriously, has this guy emptied a hoover bag over his PS3?

Sources: You can check out the full background story at The Consumerist
Reid Godshaw on IMBD

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Sony have done a fine job of this themselves, no outside help was required ;)
there's always one :rolleyes:
there's always one :rolleyes:

PS3 fan?

Probably :mrgreen:
Sony have done a fine job of this themselves, no outside help was required ;)

I was waiting for that.
So he's an actor…. so what?

Can't actors buy consoles? Are they really space aliens who do not need gaming as entertainment?

Of course not. Fair enough they should have said he's an actor, but what DOES his JOB have to do with the fact that he had a failed console that sony would not warrant his warranty on?

I reckon theres too much tin-foil in this thread from all the conspiracy theories as my teeth are starting to tingle.