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ACON Fatal1ty Great Wall Shootout

by Steve Kerrison on 29 October 2004, 00:00

Tags: abit

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa4b

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Fatal1ty has an envyable lifestyle: Travel the world playing games, shattering the egos of many wannabe gaming kings and queens. Recently, Fatal1ty's gaming conquest took him to the Great Wall of China for the ACON Fatal1ty Great Wall Shootout. It was there that he met his match.

Visible from space, the Great Wall was a fantastic location for this epic gaming event.

Great Wall

Quite a crowd gathered to watch the contenders take on the great Fatal1ty.


China's top four gamers were invited to the event, so the competition would be some of the stiffest Fatal1ty has ever faced. Certainly a lot more challenging than when he took on HEXUS' Shorty!


Fatal1ty prepares himself for his next game. Is there a hint of nervousness in his eyes?


Mong Yang was his competitor, the 21 year old WCG China UT2004 and China Beijing Doom 3 million Challenge Champion, beat Fatal1ty 25 frags to 8! Mong Yang earned himself a rather large cheque to the sum of 1 million RMB (that's about $120,000) along with a sponsorship deal with ABIT.


Congratulations to the victor, and the best of luck to Fatal1ty who will be launching a range of Fatal1ty branded ABIT products in the near future!

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