Gizmondo find the way
Gizmondo find the way
Gizmondo Europe Ltd has confirmed a deal with ALK Technologies Ltd., for its satellite navigation application, the Gizmondo Navigator 2006 powered by CoPilot and to be released on the Gizmondo multi-entertainment handheld.
The Gizmondo has inbuilt soft-signal GPS hardware developed by SiRF and is already known for its comprehensive and unique range of functionality, including next-generation handheld gaming, MP3 and MPEG4 playback, messaging and digital camera. Now the Gizmondo has extended its repertoire to incorporate this eagerly anticipated turn-by-turn navigation application for use in car and on foot.

It is claimed the Gizmondo Navigator 2006, supplied by region on SD card, will provide the user with powerful trip calculation and extremely detailed street maps, allowing satellite navigation to a specific house number, full UK post code, street or one of thousands of points of interest in 3D or 2D, complete with turn-by-turn voice instructions.
The CoPilot software, customised specifically for Gizmondo, will also plan routes in advance, calculate the best new route if a turn is missed, and divert around hold ups at the touch of a button. Customers will be able to use the Gizmondo Navigator 2006 in-car or on-foot.
Gizmondo Navigator 2006 will be available for Gizmondo for the UK priced at £99 and the whole of Europe for £199 from 30th September. An in-car cradle and car charger will be available for use with the new software priced at £29.99.
Gizmondo Navigator 2006 will also be bundled with the Smart Adds-enabled Gizmondo in a special Satellite Navigation pack for £199, available from selected retailers.
Michael Kornhauser, Managing Director, ALK Technologies Ltd, says:
"ALK's navigation and routing technology has been developed, enhanced, and refined over the past 25 years, and our CoPilot software is recognised worldwide as one of the most advanced and user-friendly satellite navigation packages available. Coupling our software expertise with this exciting piece of entertainment technology provides the end user with the best of both worlds; an advanced satellite navigation application, and entertainment wherever the road takes you."
Carl Freer, co-founder and Chairman, Tiger Telematics, said:
"The inclusion of ALK's satellite navigation software to Gizmondo's already bulging entertainment-based functionality, accentuates the practical side of this powerful and versatile piece of mobile technology. Compelling price-points and attractive bundling options will also allow us to develop new retailer initiatives whilst making this extremely desirable application accessible to much wider demographic."
Gizmondo is powered by Microsoft Windows CE advanced real-time operating system, boasting a 2.8-inch TFT colour screen with a Samsung ARM9 400Mhz processor and incorporates the GoForce 3D 4500 NVIDIA graphics accelerator. It provides gaming, multimedia messaging, an MP3 music player, Mpeg4 movie playing capability, a digital camera and a GPRS network link to allow wide-area network gaming. Additionally, it contains a GPS chip for location-based services, is equipped with Bluetooth for use in multi-player gaming and accepts SD and MMC card accessories.