But you gotta ask, umm, why?
Zeemote, Inc. announced the launch of the patented Zeemote JS1, a wireless controller that, say Zeemote, “enables near-console game play on mobile phones. While expanding the mobile entertainment experience for consumers, the Zeemote JS1 controller provides operators with an opportunity to increase their revenue and enables developers to create more sophisticated, engaging games.”But you have to ask yourself, why? It’s not as if your phone is ever going to be that far from you that you’d need a wireless controller, is it?
That’s not to say the Zeemote JS1 doesn’t have a decent pedigree… after all, it’s created by the team that developed the first force feedback joystick for PC gaming. Zeemote reckon that the Zeemote JS1 controller “brings mobile gaming to a fun, fast and interactive level. Small, responsive, ergonomic and wireless, the Zeemote JS1 controller is new, first and unique.”

“Developers, operators, and gamers tell us the Zeemote JS1 controller is what they’ve been waiting for to unleash the real potential of mobile gaming,” said Beth Marcus, CEO, Zeemote, Inc. “We’re already in discussions with a number of operators and manufacturers regarding bundling the controller with games and handsets.”
Measuring a snug 95x35x20mm and weighing in at only 47g including the batteries, the Zeemote JS1 controller sits in one hand and uses a thumbstick and four assignable trigger buttons to bring analogue control tomobile games.

Apparently major game developers and publishers including Eidos, Finblade, Fishlabs and SEGA have already adapted popular games such as Lara Croft Tomb Raider, Helistrike 3D and Sonic The Hedgehog to utilize the new technology. Finblade has even created Fireworks, the first 2-player game specifically designed for use with Zeemote JS1 controllers, so there must be something in it…

For more information about the Zeemote JS1 controller visit www.zeemote.com