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Five must-have Xbox 360 games that you may have missed

by Parm Mann on 17 July 2008, 16:05

Tags: XBOX 360 Games, Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT)

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Bomberman Live

5. Bomberman Live

Last but not least, Bomberman Live! Has there ever been a more enjoyable multiplayer game? The Xbox Live Arcade version offers all the thrills of previous titles, with a few very useful additions, not to mention the ability to play eight-man multiplayer over Xbox Live.

There's plenty of game modes, and as you'd expect from Bomberman, this one lasts forever. You'll simply never tire of trapping a friend in a corner and watching them wriggle in a futile attempt to escape. Oh the joy.

The ultimate party game, the ultimate online experience, and a truly must-have title for any computer gamer. At 800 MS Points (£6.80), this is one of the more expensive Xbox Live Arcade titles. However, the fact that it never grows old makes it incredibly good value for money.

Current price:
800 MS Points
Official website:

There we have it, our list of five Xbox 360 games that if you haven't already enjoyed, you might want to consider. At a total cost of just over £55, that's a selection that'll keep most gamers entertained for months. Shop around just a little bit, and we're confident those games can be had for well below the £50 mark.

We're sure there's plenty of games you think are underrated, or overlooked, and we'd love to hear your suggestions in the HEXUS.community forums. Stay tuned as we'll be presenting our five must-have games that you may have missed on PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii in the near future.

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I reckon 3 out 5 isn't bad, and I borrowed Table Tennis for a while as well.
Table Tennis was a cracking game! Crackdown got boring after a while but was certainly worth a look.

The other three are also great games!:)
The sheer brilliance of colour on Viva Pinata knocks me sick when playing it. Havn't had a chance to play Crackdown, might rent it when I have a few quid spare.
I have the first 3….barely played crackdown or Table tennis lol
everyone should play VP