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Google talks up future of search

by Sylvie Barak on 8 December 2009, 11:38

Tags: Google (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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getting personal

One example of this comprehensiveness is language, and Mayer said Google sees a future where one could not only search in any language but also get answers back in any language, in next to no time. The goal, she stated, was "to branch across language," and "break down the language barrier."

As if that wasn't enough to keep the Internet giant busy, Mayer went on to say the firm was also puzzling over adding more personalisation to its searches, making results richer and more relevant to users.

"We don't know what the search engine will look like 30 to 50 years from now, but we do know results will be more personalised," Mayer mused, adding "It's about the best answers."

Last but not least, Mayer declared Google was most concerned with progress, and to innovating on a daily basis."At Google we launch early and often," declared Mayer, pointing skeptics to the firm's "This week in search" blog to prove it.

"Google had 33 search innovations in 67 days," noted Mayer, adding, perhaps for the benefit of those without access to a calculator, "that's two per week."    


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Yay for more wheel reinventing!
To use your metaphor, I guess you'd rather ride a bike with a solid wooden wheel rather than a streamlined carbon fibre wheel with an inflated rubber tyre on it?
Googles needs to keep changing its search because those pesky SEO experts keep finding out how to get top ranking for spammy sites.