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Mobile phone is preferable to clean underwear, apparently

by Tarinder Sandhu on 17 October 2007, 14:23

Tags: LINK

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Young People Can't Survive Without Their Mobile Phones

HBL Media reports on what can only be construed as a worrying reliance on mobile phones for the 18-to-24-year-old crowd.

Young people are almost as dependent on their mobile phones as they are on cash. According to new research commissioned by LINK, these are the two items that 18 to 24 year olds see as basic necessities.

The poll was conducted by YouGov on behalf of LINK to raise awareness of mobile phone top-up facilities at cash machines. More than 2,000 GB adults that own a mobile phone were asked which items they would be most upset to be without. Topping the polls as the most needed possession for 18 to 24 year olds was cash, with 30 per cent saying they would be most distraught without it. In second place were mobiles, with 23 per cent stating they couldn’t survive without one.

The survey results also showed that 18 – 24 year olds would be more willing to go without alcohol, chocolate and sex for 24 hours, than their mobile phone.

Only seven per cent said they would be happy to go without their mobile phone for 24 hours, whereas 39 per cent said they would prefer to go without alcohol, 21 per cent without chocolate and 12 per cent without sex.

The mobile phone also came in as a vital item on young people’s (18 – 24 year olds) overnight survival kit, with 23 per cent rating it as the most important, second only to the toothbrush, which received 25 per cent of votes, but ahead of other essentials like deodorant and clean underwear, which enjoyed only 17 per cent popularity.

Graham Mott, head of planning and development at LINK, said, “The survey highlights that mobile phones and cash access are people’s top priorities, and cash machines now provide a one stop shop to top up your phone and withdraw cash. This quick and easy service is available at any time of the day from any cash machine displaying the green top up logo. You can now top up mobile phones at over 42,000 cash machines across the UK.”

Could you live without your mobile phone, and is it more important than a change in underwear? Let us know what you think a young thing's best friend is.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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This is largely a load of crap. From the way it reads, the survey asked the most important item for people, and the 23% in that case means little - I assume most people will do without clean underwear for a few hours, and they would likely have it lower down their list.

“Young people are almost as dependent on their mobile phones as they are on cash.”

I use my mobile to keep my family and friend's numbers and details, a calendar, an alarm, my doctor/dentist numbers, taxi numbers etc. I dont have a little book with these things in, and there are now few payphones.

To me, this is just another article about sneering at young people… but maybe I'm paranoid.

It's like the online techie version of the Daily Mail. Where is the Princess Diana story?
It's like the online techie version of the Daily Mail. Where is the Princess Diana story?

Its normally the express with the diana story - the mail cant worry about that it has to focus on more important things like imigrants:)
Its normally the express with the diana story - the mail cant worry about that it has to focus on more important things like imigrants:)

Haha true. Those damn immigrants… stealing our jobs… etc
Haha true. Those damn immigrants… stealing our jobs… etc

Yep. Everything is due to the immigrants. Including global warming and war in Iraq.
Yep. Everything is due to the immigrants. Including global warming and war in Iraq.

Aye, soon they will all be over here and it will be the war on salford.