Ready for 3D?
Market research firm In-Stat has released its projections for the future of the consumer electronics market over the next few years and unsurprisingly it thinks that 3D TV is the way forward. In fact, the report suggests that, by 2013, one in every five TVs purchased in the US will be 3D-capable.According Stephanie Ethier, senior analyst on the report, “High definition did create a wave of activity in the US market, not seen since the introduction of color [and] 3DTV promises to be the next significant innovation wave for living room entertainment.”

Considering the barrage of adverts for 3D TVs, the numerous films being released in 3D and the push to have major sporting events captured in 3D, no one should be too surprised that in a few years, a good number of us will be buying 3D-capable TVs. Equally, though, that level of consumer adoption is pretty impressive, considering that such TVs only came onto the market this year. In-Stat is predicting 231 per cent year-on-year growth, which will certainly be impressive if it comes to bear.
The report goes on to predict that e-reader and tablet PC sales will soar, while MP3 player, handheld console and desktop PC sales will begin or continue to decline. However, if you’re reading this, you probably didn’t need a lengthy market research report to tell you that.
So is 3D really the future? Have you been blown away by a 3D film, or did it just make you queasy? We think it will depend on content, and considering how much content isn’t even broadcast in HD yet, we reckon it may be a little early to make the call either way. 3D Blu-ray might be the biggest draw, but current owners may feel burnt if their older players aren’t compatible. While we wait for the future, let us know your thoughts in the community.
Link: press release.