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Tivo to develop next gen Virgin TV platform

by Scott Bicheno on 25 November 2009, 12:18

Tags: Virgin (NASDAQ:VMED)

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Tivo stake

Virgin Media has announced an exclusive partnership with US digital video recorder maker Tivo, to develop what it calls the "UK's most advanced television and broadband offering".

The next generation set-top box is due to make its first appearance next year. It will combine traditional functions like programme guides and recording with Internet access to enable access to the growing number of online on-demand TV services. Virgin Media will also become the exclusive distributor of TiVo services and technology in the UK.

"The superiority of our fibre optic network combined with TiVo's capabilities, will allow us to offer consumers the most significantly advanced and compelling TV service available in the UK, and we believe will do to the TV market what Virgin Media has done to the high speed broadband market," said Neil Berkett, CEO of Virgin Media.

"We are very excited about this new distribution relationship with the UK's most advanced pay television provider and are particularly proud to have been selected as Virgin Media's core software partner for its next generation DVR-enabled set top boxes and its next generation non-DVR set top boxes," said Tom Rogers, president and CEO of TiVo.

Virgin media has also announced the roll-out of "dynamic advertising" on its own on-demand TV platform, encompassing the LIVING, Virgin 1 and Bravo channels. The 30 second pre- and post-roll ads will be tailored to the nature of the programme selected. A bit like normal ads then.


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Oh how often I have been told “oh yes our current box isn't very good, but the next box will be fantasitc” guess what? It never is!
So they are going to force people to watch ads at the start and finish of recordings - I can't see that being very popular. One of the primary benefits of a PVR is avoiding the ads.
What happened to Tivo when it launched in the UK originally? Oh yeah it failed …. Will the virgin media name slapped on the front really make much of a difference?
Tivo failed in the UK beacuse it wasn't really advertised over here (see below),
and no-one really knew what a PVR was.
(This was in 1999/2000 before sky+ et al)

TiVo employed Sky to do the UK marketing, which they didn't, and came out with an inferior competitor some time later (sky+).

Even that old UK Tivo box from 2000 still surpasses new PVRs in features.
I remember selling the Tivo at Dixons when it first came out. It was a brilliant piece of equipment for its time. But was over priced and had a monthly subscription tied to it. Who wanted to pay a monthly fee to record TV when a VCR did it for free I think this is why TIVO failed here. At the time VCR was still very popular and the quality benefits that TIVO offered weren't worth the premium in the publics eyes …. Plus there was bugger all marketing.

Its interesting to see Virgin moving forward with TV on demand services. Sky and BT don't seem to be that interested. BT is struggling with subsciption numbers and SKY is very happy with people paying at least Ā£17 per month to watch lots of channels of rubbish, why offer a good on demand service.