I'm surrounded by tech, yet somehow or other, I've never quite managed to get to grips with digital books. I owned an earlier-generation Kindle that ended up on Ebay, and though I've dabbled with a few e-readers since then, I keep reverting to paperbacks. I like the way they feel, I've a fine-tuned filing system for my bookcase, and there's something satisfying about borrowing someone a must-read book.
But digital books do tend to be cheaper. They're instantly available, take little space, are easy to carry, and most modern e-readers will feature a built-in dictionary, which always comes in handy. My sister swears by them, and somehow manages to rattle through entire books on her phone.
It's a nice choice to have, and we're intrigued to see where you stand when it comes to reading habits, so this week let us ask: do you read digital books? Share your thoughts on the subject using the comments facility below.