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New Intel Core i7, i5 and i3 pricing and specs leaked

by Scott Bicheno on 12 August 2009, 09:36

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qath5

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All the new processors look like they'll be launched on the 6th September, with the exception of those with an asterisk, which are expected in Q1 2010.

Based on what we already know, the Intel Core i7-870 and i7-860 will be Lynnfield 45nm parts, as will the Intel Core i5-750.

The rest of the Intel Core i5s should be Clarkdale parts using the exciting 32nm Westmere architecture.

The Intel Core i3s are probably Clarkdales without integrated graphics too, meaning that both Clarkdale and Lynnfield will span two naming families.

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HEXUS Forums :: 24 Comments

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Hmm seems like my plan to buy a 920 D0 Step before they start phasing it out but hopefully drop it to sub £200 price real soon, for me it's still the best bang for buck CPU.

Based solely on the chart from the beans I don't see anything that would entice me down from an i7 aside from the obvious that 3 and 5 are cheaper.

If there are any major differences with 3 and 5 i.e with the 1156 socket with features that the 1366 socket won't have? Could someone enlighten me, I'm a AMD guy so my knowledge is limited to nothing when it comes to Intel lol but I will be joining the dark side within the next month!:stupid:
Why release a i3 if Quad core has more cores than it? Or is i3 a rebranding of the c2d range with a bit more oomph?
If there are any major differences with 3 and 5 i.e with the 1156 socket with features that the 1366 socket won't have? Could someone enlighten me, I'm a AMD guy so my knowledge is limited to nothing when it comes to Intel lol but I will be joining the dark side within the next month!:stupid:

They (as well as the core i7 8xx series) have PCI-Express controllers on the CPU rather than the motherboard, so graphics cards connect directly to the CPU which should give a small performance boost, but more importantly requires a much simpler motherboard design/chips/wiring which will reduce power consumption and cost.

Really tempted by the i7-860, but I'll wait for the p57 chipset methinks.
Why release a i3 if Quad core has more cores than it? Or is i3 a rebranding of the c2d range with a bit more oomph?
i3 has a better architecture, onboard memory controller (so more yummy bandwidth) and also introduces hyperthreading, so you can still run 4 simultaneous threads on your dual core processor. There's probably more advantages that I haven't mentioned, but they seem like the pertinent ones to me…
The i7 975 & 965 (although not in the list) have a QPI of 6.4 GT/s - as opposed to 4.8 ?

Core i7-975 4/8 3.33 Yes 8 4.8 1366 970 591