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Computex 2010 :: The full run-down of Titan's coolers
Steve goes a bit mental with his cooler run down from the Titan stand.
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Big opportunity for growth, company says.

These feature an LCD display on the pump block for animations, images, and sys info.

You can now get matching Chromax NA-HC7 and NA-HC8 heatsink covers too.
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I really hope that was done for a bet! lol
That is class! Fantastic reporting steve :D
Holy moly :o
I will never buy anything that Titan ever makes. What's the point of this range other than to deliberately confuse consumers.
To be fair to Titan, semo, I suspect that the… erm… “granular” choice of cooler configurations is for OEMs who can save a bit by only buying exactly what they need for the hundreds of units they're putting together :)