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Review: Shuttle XPC SB77G5

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 23 January 2005, 00:00

Tags: Shuttle, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa6g

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Graphical Tests

A pair of Futuremark 3D benchmarks round off the testing, examining the performance of the AGP implementation on each board in conjunction with the processor and graphics card.

3DMark2001 SE - v330

3DMark2001 SE - v340

The FB77's result on FutureMark's ORB can be found here. Slightly shy of the DFI's score, FB77 nonetheless has fine performance. The graphics interface is unhindered.

3DMark03 - v340

3DMark03 - v340

FB77 ends up the victor with 6600 GT installed for a final, first outright win in the benchmark tests. Solid performance across all tests has seen the FB77 lie consistently behind the DFI after averages are calculated, but never more than a percent or two away and often much closer.