Shuttle, purveyor of some of the sexiest small form-factor (SFF) hardware this side of anywhere, has branched out into outfitting some of its high-end XPCs with choice components and then selling it on to the consumer as configurable pre-built systems.
The latest in a burgeoning line is the P2 3700G, which takes in the SD37P2 Intel i975X-based chassis and adds in some other tasty kit. Our sample was kitted out with an Intel Core 2 Extreme X6800 CPU, 4GiB RAM (yes, 4GiB!), a single 400GB hard drive, and an NVIDIA GeForce 7950GX2 1GiB graphics card.
If, like many, you're wondering how this is all possible without the poor Shuttle XPC's mini-PSU giving up the ghost, read on to find out just how it's done and whether it's worth it...