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Review: Evesham Axis 64 3000

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 28 January 2004, 00:00

Tags: Evesham

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System Tests II

Three more systems tests starting with MP3 encoding using LAME. We'll see two things here. First the P4 flexing it's muscles, this kind of work is its bread and butter. The second is that cache performance sometimes doesn't come in to play, depending on the application you are running.

LAME result

With identical CPU frequencies, the Axis 64 3000+ has no trouble keeping pace with its more expensive stablemate.

Kribibench is a software 3D renderer that has no help from any hardware 3D accelerator. Cache sensitive, it'll show up the difference between the two AMD processors on test, both being otherwise equal.

Kribi result

8% faster than the Axis 64 3000+ system being reviewed, it's Model 3200+ sibling marks out a purely CPU based difference. Again, depending on the applications you run, you might appreciate, or not notice at all, the difference in performance.

The last system test is Realstorm, a software only raytracer that runs in realtime (hopefully). It loves AMD processors.

Realstorm result

1% difference due to Model 3200+ power, the Axis 64 3000+ holds its own easily, both AMD systems showing the P4 how that class of application should be executed.