Benchmarks I
Memory bandwidth is the first key performance indicator we look for. So here goes.
Not too shabby at 200FSB - DDR-400 - 2-6-2-2 timings. The graphics don't seem to want to take too much of a bite out of system RAM's performance. Good, good.
Can you guess what's next ?. It's Pifast, of course. A lover of overall speed, bandwidth, and low latency memory access. Set to calculate the pesky constant to 10 million places.
More than respectable performance here, too. Sub-70 second clockings are extremely impressive for a system that's at absolute stock speeds.
How well does it crunch your valued CDs to the MP3 format ?. We're benchmarking by encoding a 610MB custom WAV file (U2's Pop album, incidentally) into 192kb/s MP3 using the LAME 3.91 encoder and Razor-Lame 1.15 front-end.
Right about where you would expect. It's giving some premium, full-size boards more than a scare.
How about some SETI. The search for E.T is an exhausting one. This 0.417 WU will take over 2 hours to complete, even on these powerful machines.
Imagine the SETI-crunchin' power of a small stack of SB61G2s. A SETI farm could be constructed with minimal space requirements.