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Review: Foxconn P35A Bearlake motherboard

by Tarinder Sandhu on 21 May 2007, 09:50

Tags: Foxconn (TPE:2317)

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Storage evaluation

FireWire support is provided by external ASICs, and only Foxconn's 975X7AB, featuring a Texas Instruments controller, lags behind. Bridge-attached storage performs in a similar fashion. You'll see that there are no numbers for the P35A due to the obvious reason of it not being implemented.

We note that the ICH9 doesn't provide chipset-based RAID, and the Foxconn P35 is the only board in this performance comparison that's bereft of multi-function RAID functionality, if that matters to you. It also sports 'only' 4 ports, compared to the 6 bridge-attached on offer elsewhere (i975X supports 4, too).