UT2003, X², Quake III
We use a custom Unreal Tournament 2003 test. The retail game is patched up to build 2225 and a bot match demo, conducted at 800x600 to maximise the hit on the chipset, is run to evaluate the chipsets' potential.
Differences in chipset . AGP performance become a little more apparent here. The Canterwood manages to add around 4% to the PT880's benchmarks. That's about as large a gap as there has been from the outset. The Athlon 64 / VIA K8T800 combination turns in a Pentium4-battering performance.

X² - The Threat isn't partial to any chipset. Each one performed smoothly during testing.

The PT880 had no trouble in breaking the 400FPS barrier in Quake III. The benchmarks have shown it to be a decent performer in each and every test. It's reliable, stable, pretty quick and loaded to the hilt with useful features. Sounds like a decent combination, doesn't it ?.