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by Tarinder Sandhu on 30 July 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: DFI (TPE:2397)

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Benchmarks III

Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo's turn. Just the flyby from the automated benchmark section.

And Quake III. 1024x768x32 HQ. Demo Four of v1.30. Sound is disabled.

Our benchmarks tend to focus on just how well implemented the memory controller and data throughput of each chipset is. We would expect boards based on one chipset to benchmark within a couple of percent of each other, especially in view of the maturity of the nForce2 logic. The DFI LANParty is no slouch and falls into the 2% performance deviation we expect when compared to the high-performance EPoX 8RDA3+.

We feel that it's becoming increasingly pointless benchmarking a number of boards on one chipset unless, of course, a manufacturer does something remarkable with its implementation. We're thinking of ASUS and the superlative performance of its Springdale board. The DFI LANParty NFII ULTRA may come off a slight second to the EPoX, but it's impossible to discern the difference without manually benchmarking both boards.