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Review: ABIT IC7-G

by Tarinder Sandhu on 5 June 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: abit

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Benchmarks II

Gaming now. 3DMark 2001SE v330. Run at its default resolution of 1024x768x32.

18,000 marks is still impressive in any light. A closer inspection of the individual results shows that the ABIT board falls just behind in pure bandwidth examination.

Serious Sam 2 next.

All bunched within 6% of one another.

And Comanche 4.

The trend established by SiSoftware's SANDRA seems to have continued throughout our gamut of benchmarks. The most important factor to remember is that the IC7-G had no problems in looping 3DMark for hour after hour. Stability is worth more than a few percentage points, we reckon.