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Review: ABIT IC7-G

by Tarinder Sandhu on 5 June 2003, 00:00 4.0

Tags: abit

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Benchmarks I

Remember that the ABIT is running the CPU around 23MHz slower than the comparison ASUS boards. With that in mind, we go to our first test with a look at SiSoft SANDRA's unbuffered benchmark.

ASUS are using some amazing memory acceleration technology on their Springdale board, even withstanding the inflated CPU speed. The ABIT isn't all that far behind ASUS' Canterwood design.

How well does this unbuffered benchmark standing relate to Pifast calculation results ?. They usually correlate quite well (assuming we're using the same platform).

A shade slow, perhaps, but we'd expect it to be a smidge slower than the ASUS Canterwood.

And now some WAV-to-MP3 crunching. 192kb/s format.

Pure grunt is usually the determining factor here.

SETI loves low latency bandwidth. A typical 0.417WU is used for benchmarking. Please note that the time is in hours, minutes and seconds.

Last but not slow. Less than 6 minutes separate the boards in this 2 hour+ test.