Benchmarks III
3DMark 2001SE is arguably the de facto synthetic DirectX benchmark. Efficient AGP implementation is a must here. Benchmarked at 1024x768x32.
It's been noted that previous SiS chipsets have suffered from somewhat lacklustre AGP performance. Available bandwidth did not translate fully into expected AGP performance. The SiS648 seem to remedy this situation in no uncertain terms. We manage to pull out another 200 marks by going from DDR333 to DDR400, even though DDR400 wasn't as opmitised as the former. I deliberately tested AGP stability as I'd had some issues with the initial SiS645 chipset. I'm pleased to report that everything was as expected here.
Next-up, Serious Sam 2. Again, I've deliberately chosen a level that puts the onus on the CPU / memory subsystem. The wide expanses of the Valley of the Jaguar Timedemo certainly give the system a thorough workout. Benchmarked at 1024x768x32, Normal preferences.
The SiS' lead is cut here but it still remains extremely competitive.