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Review: Foxconn Bloodrage X58: the overclockers' dream

by Tarinder Sandhu on 22 December 2008, 03:00 3.85

Tags: Bloodrage X58, Foxconn (TPE:2317)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qaqi2

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Gaming performance

Mobo: Far Cry 2, 1,024x768, long ranch, high
Intel DS58X0 (Smackover) X58Foxconn Bloodrage X58

Mobo: Enemy Territory: QW - 1,024x768 low
Intel DS58X0 (Smackover) X58Foxconn Bloodrage X58

Mobo: Enemy Territory: QW - 1,680x1,050 high
Intel DS58X0 (Smackover) X58Foxconn Bloodrage X58

The gaming benchmarks take in both low- and high-detail settings, to see what affect the subsystem has on performance (1,024x768) and how the benchmark becomes more GPU bound at 1,680x1,050.

Again, pretty similar performances from both boards.