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Review: GeCube SilenCool X700 PRO 256MB

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 1 February 2005, 00:00

Tags: Gecube, AMD (NYSE:AMD), ATi Technologies (NYSE:AMD)

Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qa6i

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Xpand Rally

Xpand Rally

Vendor: Techland - (Website)
API: DirectX 9.0
Pixel Shader Version Supported: Mix PS2.0 highest

Xpand NoIQ

Xpand Rally is a test, when set to maximum quality, that can't split X700 PRO and 6600 GT, both GPUs performing almost identically.

Xpand NoIQ

Turn on IQ settings and the 6600 GT pulls away initially before memory pressure kills its performance at 1600x1200. None of the cards on test are comfortable at anything other than 1024x768 with the levels of IQ enhancement applied.