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NVIDIA's GeForce 6200 with TurboCache Preview

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 15 December 2004, 00:00


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Half-Life 2

A quick look at performance in a popular game before I wrap things up.

Half-Life 2

The TurboCache models have a fine lead over the 300MHz NV43 version with 128MB of local memory. At 800x600, both versions play a fine game of Half-Life 2, the 32MB version so well that I played some Half-Life 2 Deathmatch online with it on a different system, while I was testing the 16MB version. However, turn up the resolution and/or turn on anti-aliasing and the TurboCache models exhibit horrible performance. Gaming with Unreal Tournament 2003 shows a similar limit of 800x600 with anti-aliasing on, or 1024x768 without, anisotropic filtering hurting performance too, but less so as the memory footprint for that method of improving image quality isn't as large.

Overall, modern gaming is doable with the TurboCache 6200 boards, but mind your resolution. There's no point pairing one with a 1280x1024 LCD for example, the performance hit in recent games is too harsh, either that or you turn down almost all eye candy and effects, making it look even worse than it would at a scaled resolution.