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NVIDIA's GeForce 6200 with TurboCache Preview

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 15 December 2004, 00:00


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Rightmark and RTHDRIBL


Rightmark measures fillrate using a range of texture sizes, pixel fillrate and geometry performance.


In the fillrate tests the NV43 version is ahead due to the use of multiple textures that overflow local memory. The pixel shading tests favours the NV44 due to card clocks, but watch out if the pixel shader program needs to texture. Geometry performance and HSR also scale with core clocks, outperforming the NV43 board.



With plenty of large render target surfaces and lots of texturing from the fragment shader in RTHDRIBL, performance suffers on the TurboCache boards. It highlights one of the common situations where performance will fall off due to the lack of local memory.