Far Cry, Painkiller
Far Cry
Vendor: UBI Soft - (Website)API: DirectX 9.0
Pixel Shader Version Supported: Mix PS1.1, PS1.4, PS2.0 with PS2.0 forced

Far Cry's DX9 focus and the forcing of the PS2.0 path means that the Radeon, despite a sizeable GPU and memory clock deficit, manages to outpace both NVIDIA cards quite comfortably. The inherent architectural advantages recent Radeons possess allow the Radeon 9600 to outpace the 5700 boards in Far Cry.
Vendor: People Can Fly - (Website)API: DX9.0
Pixel Shader Version Supported: Mix, unknown versions

The Excalibur's memory density, some 256MB and plentiful for a mid-range contender, helps it keep pace in our Painkiller benchmark. While the 5700s edge ahead at the median setting, the Radeon is close in the upper and lower versions of the test.