Gun Metal 2
- Author: Yeti Studios
- DirectX Class: 9.0
- Pixel and Vertex Shaders: Yes (PS1.4, VS2.0; single vertex shader, otherwise lower spec at all times)
It's the unpopular DX8.5 (not quite DX9, only a single 2.0 spec vertex shader) test now, initially developed especially for NVIDIA hardware and their Cg backend.
500MHz and tuned 128-bit interface versus 380MHz and 256-bit interface, there's no real difference between the pairing, just like we've seen before. It'll take a different kind of test to split the pairing. Good performance from both in the mid-range.
The 9800 Pro versus 9800XT gap is also evident. It's nice to see the boost you get from a simple software modification too, free performance has never been this cool.